Some people invent things and don’t even realize that their invention is something that they can patent. There are a few types of patents that can be used to protect your ideas and intellectual property. An Orange County, California patent lawyer from our firm can tell you more about the types of patents and if your idea could be eligible for patent protection.

Which Types of Patent Protect Inventions?

A utility patent is also known as a “patent for invention.” This type of patent is specifically designed to protect new inventions or improvements of existing products. You can even patent a new process that can be used by an existing invention.

There are some rules though. The idea you have cannot just be new. It has to be useful. So let’s say you invented a new process, but it’s less efficient than an existing one. You probably won’t be able to patent your process because it’s just not useful. Your idea also cannot be an obvious variation of an existing invention or technology. This means that your idea is actually novel, and not something that others in your industry could have discovered on their own.

Do Any Types of Patent Protect Designs?

You don’t have to invent a whole new process or item to get a patent. Patents can also be used to protect a specific type of design. Perhaps appropriately, we call this a design patent.

So if you have come up with a cosmetic and non-functional upgrade for an existing product, that is something that you can patent. Again, there is a requirement that your idea be new and non-obvious.

What Other Types of Patents Exist?

One type of patent many people do not know about is a plant patent. You can actually patent newly discovered plants and get the exclusive rights to sell them or reproduce them. There are certain restrictions, but if you believe that you have created a new type of plant, you should look into patent protections.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer?

You have your idea and you have the Internet at your disposal. Do you really need a lawyer to file for patent protection? Can’t you just fill out some forms and start monetizing your invention?

Unfortunately, the patent process is not always easy. You have to do some extensive research first to figure out if your idea can be patented. There’s also a lot of paperwork to deal with and you may have to respond to the United States Patent and Trademark Office if they have issues with your application. It just makes much more sense to approach this with the help of an experienced patent attorney.

Talk to a Patent Lawyer

If you have an idea or an invention that could be valuable, do not let someone else copy it. Contact Burns Patent Law and ask our team about the patent application process. We can help you apply for all sorts of patents, so make sure that your intellectual property is well-protected today.