Whether you believe that someone has infringed on your patent or you are being accused of infringement yourself, building a convincing case is a necessity. An Orange County, California patent lawyer from our firm can help you do that, and we’ll deploy every tool that we can to help you win your patent infringement case. That sometimes means finding expert witnesses who can back up your assertions.

How Can Expert Witnesses Help?

Different types of expert witnesses can help with your case in different ways. Some can testify and give a more technical explanation and analysis of the patents under review. Others are more focused on the financial side, like what kind of economic effect infringement can have on a company’s bottom line. So it’s all about finding the right type of witness to back up your assertions, including ones who can:

  • Evaluate patent documents
  • Analyze prior art and speak about novelty
  • Talk about how much in damages patent infringement has caused the plaintiff
  • Break down technical topics in a way that a judge, jury, or anyone else can understand
  • Help you prepare for the case and seek out the right kind of evidence

Having an expert back up your claims can make a big difference. Even though they are working for you, a jury is likely to see them as a neutral party. They couldn’t just say whatever they wanted to up there on the stand. That would affect their reputation in their field and make their testimony worthless.

What Qualities Should I Look For in Expert Witnesses?

As we mentioned, an important potential benefit of using expert witnesses is that the jury finds them reliable and believable. That means that having certain qualities can help these witnesses be more convincing. You want people with:

  • Obvious expertise
  • Great communication skills
  • Experience testifying
  • A good reputation in their field, someone who has done speaking engagements or published important works

Not every expert in your field can make for a great witness. Finding someone who can bring their knowledge to the table and speak about your patent infringement case in a compelling way is the key.

How Can Inventors and Businesses Find Such Experts?

Expert witnesses are not just going to show up when patent infringements are discussed. You have to seek out someone who is an expert in a particular field. The good news is that our firm is experienced when it comes to finding witnesses who can convincingly testify on behalf of our clients.

Getting the assistance of expert witnesses usually costs money. They are doing a lot of work on your behalf, including researching the topic at hand, testifying, or even writing up a report that enhances your case. They are often a worthwhile investment though.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you want to learn more about how expert witnesses and experienced legal counsel can be helpful during patent infringement analyses, contact Burns Patent Law. Schedule a consultation and we’ll tell you more about how we can protect your intellectual property.