If you ever decide to take your business outside of the United States, you are going to want to protect your company’s valuable intellectual property. Applying for an international trademark is one way to do this. An Orange County, California trademark lawyer from our firm can show you how to apply for these protections in any region where you want to do business.

When Should I Apply for an International Trademark?

You should apply for an international trademark whenever you decide to take your business to another country. When you enter another market, your protections from the United States do not always apply. You do not want someone to infringe on your work and undercut you in a new market before you even get the chance to get established.

How Can I Benefit From Having an International Trademark?

Applying for an international trademark allows you to protect your business and your work in any country where you have a valid trademark. You should make sure that all of your intellectual property has this kind of protection in any area where you do business.

At the same time, a trademark can also be a marketing tool. People in a new market can recognize your products and continue to come back to buy them.

Can I Get a Trademark in Multiple Countries at Once?

Yes, you can apply for a trademark in a variety of markets at the same time. This is all thanks to the Madrid Application. File one application in one language and ask for protection for your intellectual property in more than 100 countries. This is by far the most efficient way to ask for an international trademark if you are planning to expand in multiple markets and regions.

It can also end up being less expensive than applying for individual trademarks in each country you want to explore doing business with. Even if you are not sure if you’ll expand to more countries that are party to the Madrid System, this method of applying for an international trademark can allow you to immediately start doing business in another region when the opportunity presents itself.

Do I Need a Patent Attorney?

It can be helpful to have an experienced IP attorney on your side even if you’re only looking for a patent or trademark in the United States. If you want to expand into other markets, you’ll definitely want some assistance. Our lawyers can help you apply and appeal any decisions that do not go your way. We can also help you carry out patent searches in different countries so that you can prepare yourself for any potential complications.

Talk to a Lawyer Today

So if you are thinking about taking any of your intellectual property internationally, make sure that you are protected. Contact Burns Patent Law to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you.