When you apply for a trademark, you go through the USPTO. When you need a trademark in international markets, you don’t want to have to go through every country’s version of the USPTO, do you? That is where WIPO, or the World Intellectual Property Organization, comes in. If you’re ready to expand overseas, talking to an Orange County, California trademark lawyer about WIPO should be at the top of your to-do list.

What is WIPO?

WIPO is an agency of the United Nations that was first established back in 1967. It is meant to protect intellectual property globally, keeping a presence in nearly 200 states that have agreed to abide by this organization’s rules and regulations

How Does WIPO Help Businesses Apply For International Trademarks?

Think about what would happen if you wanted to expand and do business in multiple countries. If you have a trademarked product or slogan, you already know what kind of process you had to go through in the United States to get that protection for your intellectual property. Now you have to go through it again, for each country you plan to do business in? That just doesn’t sound feasible.

We agree, which is why WIPO is so important. This organization offers the Madrid System, a crucial tool for any business that wants to expand globally. In most cases, you will not have to submit trademark application after trademark application when you want to bring your products or services to a new country. Instead, you fill out one application that can be used in multiple markets.

WIPO will evaluate your application and ensure that it meets the standards set out by the Madrid System. If you are approved, you get protection for your IP in a variety of markets, all at the same time.

What Else Can WIPO Do?

WIPO is also there to offer resources and useful tools to anyone who is looking for ways to protect their intellectual property. The organization:

  • Puts tools like the Global Brand Database at your disposal
  • Resolves international trademark disputes
  • Helps create a more uniform standard for intellectual property protection laws
  • Notifies IP offices in countries where a new trademark has been successfully applied for through the Madrid System

Should I Hire a Lawyer Before I Try to Get International Trademarks?

We are fortunate that WIPO makes it so much easier to apply for trademarks in multiple international markets at once, but it’s still a good idea to have a lawyer help you with these matters. The application process is still not that simple, and a lawyer can make it easier to figure out if applying through the Madrid System is the right choice for you and your business.

Contact Our Trademark Attorneys

If you have questions about international trademarks and how to protect your IP overseas, don’t hesitate to contact Burns Patent Law. We can schedule a consultation where you can speak to an experienced trademark attorney about your plans and what kinds of protections you and your business might require.